Alleen voor Jezus

Who are we

We are an Evangelical Church that beleives in God the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit

Our Vision

Our vision is to announce the good news. Calling people to repent in Jesus his name. He has given us the assignment to make disciples, not only in the Netherlands but all over the world. (Matthew 28:18-20)


Our Mission

Ever tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord and every knee shall bow for his glory. We want to be a church after God’s heart, where people look out for eachother. Jesus Christ is our biggest example and the Bible is the starting point.(Philippians 4:10-11)

We believe

  • In the power of prayer
  • That only a praying Church can come to fulfillment in God’s plan
  • In God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit

This is the foundation of our faith

Church statistics :

0 2022-2023 Baptisms
0 Members until 2023
0 Activities
0 Children

Alleen voor Jezus

Evangelische gemeente Alleen voor Jezus was founded on july 2 in 2006 in oude pekela by the leadership of Rv Don João. After the voice of God was heard (Isaiah 54:2). I shared the word with my brothers and sisters with whom we were always togehter with in the house praying ,doing evangelism work and also visiting people. It was a really small place where we started but new people were always coming to pray with us and experience the power of God togehter through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. At the same time the Lord also gave me the name Only for Jesus. Acts 4:12 contains the explanation and meaning of this powerful name.

Financial accountability

Total Benefits30002057.293500
Rent 180018001800
Church activities283450550
Pastorial duties600622.2750
Bank account insurence117117117
Special costs200551283
Total Charges30003540.23500
Results0.00- 1482.910.00